Las Vegas Royale : Las Vegas Royale Review - Punchboard

Las Vegas Royale

Las Vegas Royale 20 Sep 2024 —

In Las Vegas Royale, players are invited to visit six casinos representing the six values on a die. Players are given seven regular dice and one .... 語言版本:繁體中文, 英文遊戲人數:2-5遊戲時間:45-60分鐘適合年齡:8+歡迎來到炫目夢幻的拉斯維加斯,到底你們的運氣能帶來巨額財富嗎?在六間賭場試試你的手氣。.

Gamble up to the very last roll! Slip into the role of risk-taking gamblers who try their luck in the glitzy world of Las Vegas. Visit six .... Dice, dice, baby. The concept behind Las Vegas Royale is so simple, it's amazing it wasn't used years before the original Las Vegas game.

Each .... Alea 豪華版第一彈! 經典派對遊戲升級再版。玩家們扮演前往拉斯維加斯的遊客,準備在賭城賭場豪賭一番,準備一夜致富。玩家們輪流投自家骰子,並根據結果選擇其中某 ....

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