
澳門gdp 2024 : 澳門經濟概況2024 年第一季

澳門gdp 2024

18 Sep 2024 —

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has forecasted that the Macau SAR's economic growth is slated to return only in 2024, as the earliest .... In the first quarter of 2024, the real gross domestic product (GDP) of Macao increased by 25.7 percent compared to the same quarter of the ....

The International Monetary Fund forecasted a GDP growth of 13.9% for Macau in 2024, driven by the continued recovery of the tourism sector and private .... 全球實質GDP增長預測. 2024. 資料來源:統計暨普查局.

資料來源:國際貨幣基金組織. (1) 2024 年3 月預測. (2) 2023 年10 月預測. (3) 2024 年1月預測.

Page 2. 2 / 7. 就業 .... 總體經濟.

2024 年第一季澳. 門總體經濟受惠於服務. 出口保持增長等利好因.

素,本地生產總值錄得. 1,048.1 億澳門元,實質.

上升25.7%1;服務出口. 錄得同比30.3%的升幅,..

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